AoL (Art of eLements) Research into Mysticism Art and Ancient Worlds. Applied Psychology & Philosophy from Tao to Neo-Platonism to Jung to deeper understand Intuitive Wisdom & Pure Ratio. In search of Language of God exploring symbols & sound frequencies, we have published 44 ISBANs with 8 Authors in 3 languages.
AoL Mindfulness books are:
Authors == Nataša Pantović MSc Economics == Olivera Rosić MSc Forestry == Ivana Milosavljević MEdu Special Needs == Goce Nikoloski == Jason Lu BA Arts == Christine Cutajar MA Creativity == Jeni Caruana BA Arts == Dr Rudolf Ragonesi
Check the Interview Featured Authors Nataša Pantović
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Wikihow Articles
According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, the brain's hemispheres are associated with two distinct functions. A person who is ‘left-brained’ is logical, and analytical, while a person who is ‘right-brained’ is intuitive, thoughtful and creative.
Developing the skill of creativity, like with any other skill, needs time. Do devote time to creativity. Honor its flow and its magic. Allow it to become your Life Force. Train Creativity daily.
People who are curious, persistent, who experiment, make mistakes and are willing to take risks have the courage to be creative. The ones who are grateful for what they got know how to appreciate life. Challenge and explore the world around you and always give yourself time and space for reflection. We are constantly bombarded by ready made 'solutions’, have courage to be creatve.
Creative minds need to stay isolated from the formulas given by society, seeking for the answers in most unpredictable places, within the silence of meditation. The meditation has no thoughts, no feelings, no images. Entering meditation, you enter the pure consciousness.