Nataša Pantović

Nataša Pantović


Nataša Pantović, MSc Economics, is Serbian / Maltese Author, Management Consultant, Adoptive Parent and Ancient Worlds Consciousness Researcher living in Malta.


Published Author since 1991...


AoL Mindfulness Series of Books

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AoL (Art of eLements) Research into Mysticism Art and Ancient Worlds. Applied Psychology & Philosophy from Tao to Neo-Platonism to Jung to deeper understand Intuitive Wisdom & Pure Ratio. In search of Language of God exploring symbols & sound frequencies, we have published 44 ISBANs with 8 Authors in 3 languages.


Consciousness Research


AoL Mindfulness books are:

  • A-Ma Alchemy of Love by Nataša Pantović (AoL Mindfulness Book #1) or ebook
  • Art of 4 Elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry by Jeni Caruana, Christine Cutajar, Jason Lu (AoL Mindfulness Book #2) or ebook
  • Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes by Olivera Rosic (AoL Mindfulness Book #3) or eBook
  • Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course by Nataša Pantović (AoL Mindfulness Book #4) or eBook
  • Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents by Ivana Milosavljevic and Nataša Pantović (AoL Mindfulness Book #5) or eBook
  • Chanting Mantras with Best Chords by Goce Nikoloski (AoL Mindfulness Book #6)
  • Conscious Creativity: Ancient Europe's Mindfulness Meditations by Nataša Pantović (AoL Mindfulness Book #7) or eBook
  • Spiritual Symbols with their Meanings by Nataša Pantović (AoL Mindfulness Book #8)
  • Tree of Life: a Journey into the Field of Dreams by Nataša Pantović (AoL Mindfulness Book #9) or eBook
  • Metaphysics of Sound: in Search of the Name of God by Nataša Pantović MSc Economics Paperback or eBook
  • Ama Dios (4 Aol Consciousness Books Combined) by Natasa Pantovic
  • Spring, book of Aphorisms by Dr Rudolf Ragonesi translated in Italian and French
  • Summer, book of Aphorisms by Dr Rudolf Ragonesi translated in Italian and French
  • Autumn, book of Aphorisms by Dr Rudolf Ragonesi translated in Italian and French
  • Winter, book of Aphorisms by Dr Rudolf Ragonesi translated in Italian and French


Authors == Nataša Pantović MSc Economics == Olivera Rosić MSc Forestry == Ivana Milosavljević MEdu Special Needs == Goce Nikoloski == Jason Lu BA Arts == Christine Cutajar MA Creativity == Jeni Caruana BA Arts == Dr Rudolf Ragonesi


Check the Interview Featured Authors Nataša Pantović 


Mindfulness Training Book: How to Meditate quote from Mindful Being Course by Nataša Pantović Nuit


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Wikihow Articles

 Art of 4 Elements Poem by Natasa Pantovic God has created Nature that is Full of Chaos

Activists Unite! Presented by Nataša Pantović at NARD21 Malta Animal Rights Day 2021, June 06 2021. The Event was organized by a Maltese NGO Animal Liberation Malta in Mosta's most amazing garden with an amphitheater directly facing a sun-set + some most beautiful people from Malta, Macedonia, Japan, Greece, Libya, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, England, and many more countries. What a gathering of young illuminated hearts! All united in their love for animals... ALM's mission is to raise awareness and take action against all forms of animal abuse. "Last Sunday, Malta held its first-ever National Animal Rights' Day. Our team, responsible for street activism, worked independently on this project in collaboration with the International NGO, Our Planet. Theirs too, to make this happen. It was a touching ceremony commemorating the billions of animals that die each year at human hands. Despite the adversities and restrictions, the organising team managed to pull this off, bringing together a small number of people dedicated to the cause, paying tribute to animals and joining more than 70 cities worldwide on the same day. Several touching speeches and live cello animated the ceremony, including reading the Declaration of Animal Rights in English & Maltese and concluding the ceremony by inviting participants to sign the declaration. Many heartwarming dedications and words of solidarity towards animals were documented on paper. We then transitioned to the celebration part, coming together to finish the day off with positivity and hope, being grateful for the fact that more & more people are making the connection and becoming conscious of Animal Rights. During the ceremony and celebration, social distancing was observed and the participants adhered to the Covid-19 restrictions. This is the beginning of a new era for Animal Rights in Malta, and we have a lot of work to do to bring about Animal Liberation. Hopefully, next year’s NARD will be bigger, better and more impactful. A big thank you goes to everyone who attended." The Organiser.

Presented on the National Malta Animal Rights Day 2021 June 06 2021. The Event was organized by a Maltese NGO Animal Liberation Malta. Credit to Robert for a great job with the photography. In Mosta's most amazing garden with an amphitheater directly facing a sun-set + some most beautiful people from Malta, Macedonia, Japan, Greece, Libya, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, England, and many more countries. What a gathering of young illuminated hearts! All united in their love for animals... Well done!
